When to transition toddler to big bed?

sleeping baby 3

sleeping baby 3

You’re considering moving your toddler into his own bed because your second child is due and you need the cot for the new baby!

If your toddler is sleeping really well in his cot at the moment, don’t disrupt his sleep patterns! Transitioning him to a bed (with a newborn coming) risks having TWO awake and crying children through the night.

I don’t advise moving a child from a cot to a bed until they’re about three. My advice to you would be to buy a cot for your new baby. It doesn’t have to be a new cot. It could be a $50 cot off Gumtree. Your baby doesn’t care. Just get another cot for your baby. Keep your older baby sleepy.  Don’t stress about what others are saying about *their* babies having been in their own beds and toilet trained (etc. etc.) at 18 months. Your toddler will do all that when he’s ready. If he’s sleeping really well in his cot now, keep him in the cot and get a new cot off Gumtree for your little one and everything is going to be fine. 🙂


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